It is a great challenge to make the first episode of a superhero series, why? You have the pressure of making it believable, entertaining, dramatic, exciting, you know what...
Bryan Singer, hands down, he is a great director, x-men is a hit, and without the action sequences you would expect from a movie of this kind, he keeps your full attention, but not for long enough.
The minutes fly by and suddenly you will find yourself hoping for something exciting to happen, and it will, but by that the movie has reached almost its conclusion.
Good thing that there is a sequel, that it works very good thanks to this first act, not a bad thing, right??? 8 out of 10.
Bryan Singer, hands down, he is a great director, x-men is a hit, and without the action sequences you would expect from a movie of this kind, he keeps your full attention, but not for long enough.
The minutes fly by and suddenly you will find yourself hoping for something exciting to happen, and it will, but by that the movie has reached almost its conclusion.
Good thing that there is a sequel, that it works very good thanks to this first act, not a bad thing, right??? 8 out of 10.