this is a surprisingly entertaining won't win any awards for originality.this plot line has been used several times,sometimes to better effect,sometimes a matter of fact,Charlie Sheen would star in pretty much the same movie,Beyond the Law,one year later(1992).both are comparable efforts.any way,in Stone Cold Brian Bosworth,an ex football player,takes on the role of of the undercover cop.He does a surprisingly admirable's strange that his film career didn't take off,as his acting ability equals(probably surpasses) that of Stallone and Shwarzennegger when they started out.He is certainly better than Van Damme.Lance Henrickson is well cast as the chief bad guy in the film.action abounds in this movie,leaving pretty much no dramatic moments.of course in most movies of this type,there is zero character development,but that can be forgiven in this case.the movie knows what it is and doesn't try to be something it's is pure fun.oh,yeah,i almost forgot.William Forsythe also plays a baddie and is brilliant as always.this is definitely a great way to entertain yourself for 2 hours. 6/10