This 2004 clinker is among the losers of all time. With the exception of the good looks and charm of sexy Kerr Smith, it's a waste of time, money and viewing. Glad it was on TV and I didn't lose anything except sleep. Smith is an eyeful in this with his brooding good looks and fantastic build. Nice to look at. Only thing that made me keep watching. But that lead girl, Kristina Anapau, was awful. With looks of a weasel, squinting eyes, thin lips overly glossed and ridiculous hair, she prances around in a bikini, mistake there as she's a skinny 's broad, thinking she can seduce anyone in pants. Wrong. There were far more attractive young ladies walking around her as extras that could have done better. I won't even ask how this girl got cast. I felt sorry for director Scott Ziehl and writer Rhett Reese as they didn't get much from a poor cast except Kerr Smith's performance. Kerr deserves better offers than this.