The third of the 'Ginger' series and the one that had all the money spent on it. For much of it's length this is a cheap, crap Bond wannabe. But it also wants to have it's gutsy, attractive star, Cheri Caffaro naked most of the time (when dressed she has a different costume every time) and it also wants to be a bondage movie. So, along the often tedious way but especially during the more concentrated last half an hour we get lots of tying up culminating, it has to be said, in a couple of super naked spread eagle tie downs. Even that is not all. Our bound girls are told by the other (on both occasions) that they will be raped whilst in this restricted position AND that they will not be able to resist enjoying it. I cannot recall another film where this idea of women trying NOT to enjoy the forced act is made so explicit. The fact that with the role reversal revenge we get it all again with exactly the same connotations rams home the point (as you might say)!