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Maid of Honor (2006 TV Movie)
Surprisingly fun, well-acted and nasty suspense film
24 June 2006
I picked this up at the video store thinking "this'll be a really bad, unintentionally funny melodrama about a Desperate Woman" -- and I was only half-right. Yes, it is about a desperate woman, but it's actually very well done, powerfully suspenseful and develops all the characters to the point where they come across as real people you care about.

This movie fooled me at least three times, and I like to think I'm fairly quick on the uptake. Linda Purl is a wonderfully expressive and intense actress -- why isn't she famous??? I highly recommend this movie to anybody who likes good thrillers, and/or anyone who enjoys watching a superb actor like Purl as she crafts a brilliantly realized character (even if the movie isn't quite good enough to deserve her).
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