Fab television pilot that follows two crazy geeks, Martti & Kim, as they tour and tell about St. Augustine, Florida in great costumes, silly animation and lovely dry humor. Starting with the conquistador(itas) landing on the beach and then traveling through time, outrunning pirates, a baguette-wielding Frenchman, a parachuting cat and a ghost in need of a dentist, Martti and Kim keep the show all lively but well-informed and grounded in history. The interviews with the local expert add layers of history to their silliness and their Monty Python-influenced humor makes it all enjoyable and entertaining. Where will Martti and Kim show up next???? A very well thought-out and viable format - I want to see it on TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review of Martti and Kim's Story of...
Martti and Kim's Story of...
(2006 TV Short)
Wacky, fun and informative entertainment!!
19 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers