Yes, this is the grand film of the Super star Rajesh Khanna, which brought him back commercially in the lime light during the most down trodden trend of Hindi commercial film world. About 90% films were picturised during that time on action, sex, violence without acting, especially Amtibah brand cheap entertaining films. During completely adverse environment,Super Star Rajesh Khanna characterized a glorious characterization in this film with a completely brilliant depth touches of human feelingsand proved that the genuine extraordinary talent can not be suppressed longer. The character played by him in this film is slightly with negative touch and most of the scene performed by him were simply excellent. Special mention is required here to signify the scene, where he returned his own home after being insulted by Sabana Azmi and he went upstairs; his facial expression is classic in this scene.
Actually this particular scene is based only his classic extraordinary excellent facial expression as there was no dialogue in the scene. Apart from this, he entered an excellent glamour in the character, which only suited on him. The overall story of the film is most ordinary, but the class acting of Mr. Khanna made this film extra ordinary. Other performers of this film are also very good with their limitations/scope. But this film is basically centrally oriented around Rajesh Khanna and he proved the fact that he really deserves for this. It is surprising why Best Actor Award has not been extended to him for this film.
Actually this particular scene is based only his classic extraordinary excellent facial expression as there was no dialogue in the scene. Apart from this, he entered an excellent glamour in the character, which only suited on him. The overall story of the film is most ordinary, but the class acting of Mr. Khanna made this film extra ordinary. Other performers of this film are also very good with their limitations/scope. But this film is basically centrally oriented around Rajesh Khanna and he proved the fact that he really deserves for this. It is surprising why Best Actor Award has not been extended to him for this film.