R.B.'s best by far. I'm wondering how much of this is autobiographical. The only question being if it's 100% or not.
Great characters. Seemed like more kept getting introduced then brushed off. It's like everyone knows everyone.
Not for people squeamish about un-P.C. humor here. Every race took a few hits in the 'stereotyping' department. I think R.B. just tried to make fun of all of them.
Mobbed-up Italians, Guilt-ridden (and inducing) Jews, uptight whites, flaming gays, and Jive-talking blacks. And the lead character's J.D. friends trying to hook him up.
And did anyone notice the vintage strip show playing in the background during the bar scene? Looked like it was from the 1940's.
Great film.
Great characters. Seemed like more kept getting introduced then brushed off. It's like everyone knows everyone.
Not for people squeamish about un-P.C. humor here. Every race took a few hits in the 'stereotyping' department. I think R.B. just tried to make fun of all of them.
Mobbed-up Italians, Guilt-ridden (and inducing) Jews, uptight whites, flaming gays, and Jive-talking blacks. And the lead character's J.D. friends trying to hook him up.
And did anyone notice the vintage strip show playing in the background during the bar scene? Looked like it was from the 1940's.
Great film.