Schlockmeisters Roberta and Michael Findlay top their other excursions into depravity with this rather unsettling horror flick.Again it features Michael Findlay murdering nude women in a variety of grisly ways."The Kiss of Her Flesh" is a surprisingly effective and fast-paced piece of sleaze.With its creative murder weapons-tire iron,lobster claw,electrical earring wiring,blowtorch and poisoned sperm-"The Kiss of Her Flesh" has more in common with such later slasher films as Tony Maylam's "The Burning" than with the usual 60's nudie-roughie."Flesh Trilogy" was also the first slasher series,featuring the eye-patch-wearing psycho returning to wreak more havoc on scantily-clad women."The Kiss of Her Flesh" is definitely the most depraved of the series.It is loaded with pretty explicit nudity,sometimes full-frontal and there is plenty of lesbian sex on display.The acting is stiff and the gore is amateurish,however the air of misogyny is simply overwhelming.A must-see for any self-respecting fan of sleaze!