This is essentially a "Hit-Piece" on Giuliani from the Michael Moore school of documentary film-making. It is so virulent and one sided that the viewer can only be led to think that the creators of this movie hold a serious grudge against the former Mayor. At the end of the day, one need only look to see that he left New York a better city than the one he inherited from his predecessor. Granted, some hard choices were made and if you want to single those things out for examples of his failures then you must also admit to his victories otherwise your message will be obscured by its obvious bias. Merely assembling a collection of sound bites, news clips and assembling them creatively in the editing room does not fool anyone, only those moronic enough to take this drivel at face value. Rudy did a good job. Not a great job, as I'm sure even he will agree. It's suggested here that 9/11 and it's aftermath saved Giuliani - I disagree. He would have been counted among New York's finest Mayors even if 9/11 never happened. But how he reacted to that dreadful event showed the world what "Courage under fire" really means.