Except for one DAMN good lesbian sex scene involving Miss Carey and the gal with short black curly hair (whoever) this one is a pretty passable affair, as far as early '70s semi-porn is concerned. OK - there's that toe-sucking scene. That's pretty good. Carey crawls buck-naked across the floor and gives oral pedicure to... uh... one of the guys. Whoever. Anyway, you don't see that every day. At least - not in my rumpus room. But all this positive diversion is shot right in the crack of the ass by jarring editing, wobbly camera-work and an actor named "John Paul Jones," who orgasmo-squeals with grating enthusiasm and has the worst British accent this side of Natalie Portman. It's somewhat entertaining, though, to watch Miss Carey's appearance vary from scene to scene: At one point she's downright cute, and, a few minutes later, she's about as ragged out and scaly as a Brentwood hag after a night of Johnny Walker Black, cartons of Chesterfields and a whoooole lotta bone-smokin'. And this was early in Miss Carey's career, too. Chew on that! One big plus: This was made by professional porn pioneer (pronographer? pionographer?) Bob Chinn, who was to tits and gonads what Madame Curie was to the atom bomb. See it... and explode in ecstasy!