Not wanting to repeat other users' comments on the story and its messages, I would just like to underline another important issue: This is the first and only Serbian contemporary movie being absolutely DONE! When I say this, I mean that every each character is a hundred percent authentic, that there is no word in this movie being said without a full background and deep meaning, that every single detail is being detailed to the mark, eg. music clips and MC's comments playing from the portable radio on the Roof, or the bet-house owner "entering" loudly on his PC, or the "Sladjana" cry always being placed at the right moment, etc... There are not so many even A-production movies being so precisely and brilliantly produced. All I can say is "Bravo" to Rasa Andric... didn't expect A Movie So Perfect. I liked his "Munje" a couple of years ago very much so... but in comparison to "Kengur", it was almost an amateur production. Congratulations!