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Chuck Norris serves another platefull of pain
13 December 2005
First of all, this movie is a fabulous example of its genre: an action movie. The action in this movie is so solid that at times it's hard to comprehend. For instance, at one point Chuck actually jumps through a window wielding a machine gun. While in midair, he holds his gun up and mows all four opponents (or victims, however you look at it) down with ease. He proceeds to run to the other side of the room, and instead of going out the front door, jumps out the opposite window. Wow Chuck..

This film also boasts some touching moments on top of the action. A gunship flies over Chuck after he has just destroyed a camp with his machine gun and sprays his area with bullets, severely wounding his shooting arm. He tries to lift the gun up to shoot the chopper, but alas, his injury is too severe. A child, freshly saved by Chuck, runs to his aid from a bush and helps him lift the gun up. In this gripping moment, both pull the trigger and take the helicopter down in slow motion.

All in all, a great shoot-em-up action movie with enough character to make your girlfriend shed a tear. Maybe.
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