This show relies on it's cast, with Nick Burns from Nathan Barley and Nick Frost from Spaced/Shaun of the Dead we anticipate a programme that's much funnier than it actually is. Undeniably there are some good sketches, e.g. the Where's Josh? sketch but others are just poor - the shag marry kill sketch is boring, the problem is that they have two or three of the same sketch per episode and when it's boring it stays boring. This comedy is average, i can't believe there weren't better scripts or ideas to create but once again we see typecasting and reputations which boost sales, or viewing figures. Not a complete waste of time, but definitely not laugh out loud in may places and a quite frank disappointment. I though that the title meant it had some male humour and female humour throughout but when i watched it with some females friends they only laughed at the bits I did meaning i've either got butch friends or they genuinely don't find the humour aimed at them funny. I'd give this 5/10, I'm not surprised Nick Frost jumped on the bandwagon since he started out as Simon Peggs flatmate and to get ahead he's clutching at straws. The money spent on producing this could have been put to better comedies incorporating new talent instead of this semi- funny waste of space.