Transposition of the enslavement of Africans in the 18th century to late 19th century Chinese brutalized by colonial era costumed Americans is a laughable exercise in national self pity.
As with other Jet Li movies of this era made in China, the blatant anti-Americanism and overwhelming xenophobia leads to idiotic historical reconstructions and constant propagandizing.
As an example, though many famous martial artists died during the boxer rebellion,the wholesale liquidation of martial artists and martial arts in China, was implemented first by the Nationalists then more completely by the Communist government, not foreign devils (yes they are called that in the film). Meanwhile, the great Lam Sai Wing, senior student of Wong Fei Hung is here shown as a fat buffoon useful only for comic relief.
The stunts themselves are sped up and though illustrative of Mr. Li's athleticism, are not well spaced.
A far better movie illustrating Wu Shu creativity is Iron Monkey, a coherent story containing excellent fight scenes, little brutality and no racist dogma.
As with other Jet Li movies of this era made in China, the blatant anti-Americanism and overwhelming xenophobia leads to idiotic historical reconstructions and constant propagandizing.
As an example, though many famous martial artists died during the boxer rebellion,the wholesale liquidation of martial artists and martial arts in China, was implemented first by the Nationalists then more completely by the Communist government, not foreign devils (yes they are called that in the film). Meanwhile, the great Lam Sai Wing, senior student of Wong Fei Hung is here shown as a fat buffoon useful only for comic relief.
The stunts themselves are sped up and though illustrative of Mr. Li's athleticism, are not well spaced.
A far better movie illustrating Wu Shu creativity is Iron Monkey, a coherent story containing excellent fight scenes, little brutality and no racist dogma.