I'm delighted to read of people discovering and praising this film right through to the present, and I'm both amused and appalled by those who find this film somehow terrible. Since I first saw it in 1971, I've always considered it an absolutely brilliant tour de force; how many musicals in the last 40 years have matched its unique energy and visual inventiveness? Sure, it kind of ransacks the original Sandy Wilson musical, but I think a conventional, strictly faithful film version would not have worked as well. This one has a streak of genius throughout, thanks to director Ken Russell, cast and crew. Twiggy is the charming heart of the film; kind of like an Alice in Wonderland amid all the colorful backstage madness. She emotionally anchors the film with her vulnerability. Practically every scene has a memorable flourish, and it's consistently witty. So few musicals capture this kind of spirit. It's a shame it isn't on DVD, but maybe there's hope for Blu-Ray? Ignore the naysayers. Try and catch it on TCM.