Trivia or not, the fact that M.S. refers repeatedly to Umberto's D.'s dog in this film as "Flag" has been driving me nuts. I have seen this great movie several times and there's no way, the actor enunciates Flag: the terrier's name is pronounced, "Fleek."
I always thought it was a little homage to the french/American slang for flick(s), (alt. plural flix.) I doubted it was the french slang for cop i.e "flic")
Undoubtedly other sites that include Umberto D have hashed over this subject ad N . My big problem is that Mr. S. knows more about film than almost anyone - historically included. And HE says it's Flag.
It's quite likely the filmmakers had seen read m.k. rawlings book and seen the surprisingly impressive move. Rawlings and deSica shared a unflinching worldview, sensitivity not sentimentality. That said, I will always remain an aflickionata, but I'd love to be enlightened if I'm missing something.
I always thought it was a little homage to the french/American slang for flick(s), (alt. plural flix.) I doubted it was the french slang for cop i.e "flic")
Undoubtedly other sites that include Umberto D have hashed over this subject ad N . My big problem is that Mr. S. knows more about film than almost anyone - historically included. And HE says it's Flag.
It's quite likely the filmmakers had seen read m.k. rawlings book and seen the surprisingly impressive move. Rawlings and deSica shared a unflinching worldview, sensitivity not sentimentality. That said, I will always remain an aflickionata, but I'd love to be enlightened if I'm missing something.