Disturbed Vietnam veteran escapes from an East Coast institution and travels by bus to Northern California to meet up with his war buddy to start a worm farm; an attractive young woman--and runaway bride!--takes a liking to him after the two share a few calamitous run-ins. Henry Winkler and Sally Field (and Harrison Ford in a small but telling role) excel in one of the odder star-vehicles of the 1970s, more interesting as a serious character piece than as the comedy it often tries to be. Director Jeremy Paul Kagan (who had earlier directed Winkler in the TV movie "Katherine") and screenwriter James Carabatsos (with uncredited help from David Freeman) aren't afraid to pace their film carefully by allowing the characters to talk things out and find each other emotionally (they set the movie's rhythm, not the plot situations). As such, the finale is remarkably sensitive and brave. *** from ****