I really like this cartoon, it is a break from reality which it was meant to be. I liked that the plot line, and fights had story line behind it, and that it went into the characters backgrounds/ family situations. Even though they were revealing outfits, where aren't girls portrayed that was, and bashing them because of that, your bashing every other cartoon not made in the dark ages. It's good that it shows girls that you can be this pretty thing, yet still be strong. In response to the other commit look at any girl in a cartoon no matter what age they are meant for and they look really hot, even if in reality things were different. Take Disney's Pocahontas for example, no way was she 13 in that movie, like she was in real life. No 13 year old looks like that, so what? Guys don't look real either, what guys do you know have muscles like that, and perfect hair? That's the whole point of a cartoon, to not be real people, and take you to a places where everything can be pretty, even ugly things. ~