Burt Lancster was 41 when filming in Fiji - two years older than in "the Crimson Pirate" and four years after "The Flame and the Arrow" but I still expected Nic Cravat to turn up as his half Chinese mate or an island Chief. So one wonders what Steven Spielberg would have made out of the script - introducing some real sex instead of Haskin's suggestions that Lancster was not that bothered and far more athleticism into the fights where pulled punches were not even covered by the soundtrack ? But the Technicolor has more than stood the time making me wonder just how fr away Yap was from "Celebrity island" and why climbing for Copra was not one of their selected activities. Any film re-shown on Television has to stand up against the available alternatives so perhaps that I preferred to stop work, watch this film in its entirety rather than watch Tim Henman lose his first Two sets played at Wimbledon should be recommendation enough ?