More seems to get better and better with each viewing. Maybe it's because I come closer to tears each time. This story is the classic story of someone who finally is able to reach his dreams, but ends up using it as a means to get material gain, and finally, loses his soul. The gray of the drab, industrial world our everyman lives in is brilliantly and hauntingly contrasted by the colors of the "Happy Product", his world's artificial joy Du jour, the colorful, traditionally(yet so unconventionally) animated dream world of his "Bliss" goggles, and the tragically joyful children of his dreams, which drive him mad. The mood is set incredibly by New Order's "Elegia", a beautiful instrumental piece. This piece deserved the Oscar, which the good but just plain odd "Bunny" won instead. I mean, it was nice, but like most early Blue Sky works, the animation is clunky, and... rabbits becoming moths after death... but I digress. This is an incredible piece. Watch it online. Better yet, buy the new 2-disc DVD set, crammed to the bin with gooey clay features.