In the film, El Sacerdote, played well by Simón Andreu, viewers witness the long, silent, emotional and psychological turmoil of a celibate catholic priest. Despite his strong moral fiber he realizes, human bodies are constantly plagued with sinful images which his faith and profession forbids. After failing to deal with the tormenting demons, he seeks the help of his superiors who offer few options, insisting that spiritual platitudes are sufficient to deal with the "Devil's temptations". Despite his best efforts, the haunting memories of his past remain vivid and troubling. Daily, he is reminded of his lustful needs, which range from a young boy to a married village beauty. The film mirrors modern concepts and conflicts which challenge the church today. Over all, this is a remarkable and touching film, with brief nude scenes and violent depictions of the torturous lengths a man will go to find at peace with himself and his God.