"Moonlight Cocktail" is a short film that is a 'Soundie'...an early sort of music video that was played on specially built jukeboxes from 1940-1947. These jukeboxers were unusual because they not only played music but video...like music videos of the modern era. And, if you are curious about this an other soundies, you might want to buy yourself a copy of "Soundies the Ultimate Collection"...a 4 disc set of about 200 of these films.
It's very unusual that TWO soundies of the same name and same tune came out...both in 1942! This is pretty odd..especially since neither this version (with Buddy Clark and Dolly Mitchell) nor the other are something all that memorable. I think the tune sung in this one is slightly better of the two but the video portion of the other is a bit cuter and more enjoyable.
It's very unusual that TWO soundies of the same name and same tune came out...both in 1942! This is pretty odd..especially since neither this version (with Buddy Clark and Dolly Mitchell) nor the other are something all that memorable. I think the tune sung in this one is slightly better of the two but the video portion of the other is a bit cuter and more enjoyable.