Problem Child is a 90s comedy film that revolves around the terrifyingly naughty child Junior, who loves blue color but hates clowns. He has been returned by his adopted parents 30 times, such is his level of naughtiness. The film is about his 31th parents who adopts him but doesn't abandons him instead try the practical moral values. Yes, they love him when he is bad. They love him even when he is worse and that attitude finally changes him towards the ending. However the film is not entirely upon morality but on the mischief done by Junior, with moral lessons to be learned in the sidelines.
Junior is naughty, without question but he is not inherently devil in disguise. He seem to reflect in naughty ways to those who offend him in one way or the other. Perhaps he is reflective to the hatred of the world where peace love and wisdom have less significance. But his adopted father choose to make a difference who impacted him. That's the film in message perspective.
Apart from that the film is average in execution with mischief clearly and brutally depicted so much so that you will laugh with tears and will remember fir life. The film has a story with definite start and end and imbibed messages with lots of fun moments. It's a film about a child but don't watch it with family. That's where the director is rightly chosen the title-- Problem child.
I saw it in 90s itself but reviewing it due to flashback of my memory which amazed me with it's funny moments in those times. Finally it's an entertaining film, with entertainment as its intention. So don't be serious with it. It is an 8 from me. A 75 on a scale of 100.
Junior is naughty, without question but he is not inherently devil in disguise. He seem to reflect in naughty ways to those who offend him in one way or the other. Perhaps he is reflective to the hatred of the world where peace love and wisdom have less significance. But his adopted father choose to make a difference who impacted him. That's the film in message perspective.
Apart from that the film is average in execution with mischief clearly and brutally depicted so much so that you will laugh with tears and will remember fir life. The film has a story with definite start and end and imbibed messages with lots of fun moments. It's a film about a child but don't watch it with family. That's where the director is rightly chosen the title-- Problem child.
I saw it in 90s itself but reviewing it due to flashback of my memory which amazed me with it's funny moments in those times. Finally it's an entertaining film, with entertainment as its intention. So don't be serious with it. It is an 8 from me. A 75 on a scale of 100.