Having high hopes going into this clearly wasn't the best idea, as you'll find yourself disappointed at nearly every turn. The film fails to do anything original, instead relying on predictable by-the-numbers tropes we've seen a million times ago, with a plot that is nonexistent (there is an idea, but no plot whatsoever).
You are better off exploring any other B-movie offerings if this sort religious horror is what you seek, such as 'The Devil Conspiracy' or 'Hellhole', both of which explored similar ideas to those found in Immaculate, but with a sense of fun and originality (and with more effort put into their production due to dealing with smaller budgets, whereas Immaculate will make you wonder what exactly they blew the $9 million on)
You are better off exploring any other B-movie offerings if this sort religious horror is what you seek, such as 'The Devil Conspiracy' or 'Hellhole', both of which explored similar ideas to those found in Immaculate, but with a sense of fun and originality (and with more effort put into their production due to dealing with smaller budgets, whereas Immaculate will make you wonder what exactly they blew the $9 million on)