This is the kind of movie that wins the best movie category in every competition that participates.
It have been almost unoticed expect for the ones which who surprises.
Is inserted on a historical context so when we look back we see the childrens we once were.
The story is telled from a muture point of view with the attempt of making emerge feelings that dont explode, they are mend to stay with us and preserve bonds till we die.
There is folclore, mythology present and neofolclore emerging. Becouse cinema is the new way of telling stories.
Is a must see directed for a more matured viewer. I hope it is more noticed.
It have been almost unoticed expect for the ones which who surprises.
Is inserted on a historical context so when we look back we see the childrens we once were.
The story is telled from a muture point of view with the attempt of making emerge feelings that dont explode, they are mend to stay with us and preserve bonds till we die.
There is folclore, mythology present and neofolclore emerging. Becouse cinema is the new way of telling stories.
Is a must see directed for a more matured viewer. I hope it is more noticed.