The show opens with Chris Kemp getting in a car with the documentary crew and the first words out of his mouth are that, he doesn't have a valid driver's licence, car insurance or registration for the vehicle! Does that sound like the kind of person you'd want running a company building and launching rockets?
The show is full of maverick's who think they can shortcut lessons learned the hard way by NASA and other nations space agencies..they can't! These people aren't in it for the pure science & exploration, they're nothing short of speculative carpet baggers.
It's more likely that, if they keep going with their cavalier attitudes, they're liable to cost everyone the ball game, if/when one or two out of control satellites cause a chain reaction of shrapnel smashing into each other, until they're all gone and low earth orbit becomes a useless briar patch.
I'm all for get up and go enterprise, but maybe someone should remind them, nobody will be naming schools after people who set humanity back to the 1950's in the name of MAKING MONEY!!!
The show is full of maverick's who think they can shortcut lessons learned the hard way by NASA and other nations space agencies..they can't! These people aren't in it for the pure science & exploration, they're nothing short of speculative carpet baggers.
It's more likely that, if they keep going with their cavalier attitudes, they're liable to cost everyone the ball game, if/when one or two out of control satellites cause a chain reaction of shrapnel smashing into each other, until they're all gone and low earth orbit becomes a useless briar patch.
I'm all for get up and go enterprise, but maybe someone should remind them, nobody will be naming schools after people who set humanity back to the 1950's in the name of MAKING MONEY!!!