The movie *Raanti* presents a gripping tale of revenge, bloodshed, and family conflict. Written by Hrishikesh Koli and directed by Samit Kakkad, the film unfolds the dark and violent story of the fictional village of Patalpur in Maharashtra, a place overwhelmed by vengeance. In this eerie coastal village, floating corpses outnumber boats, and the air reeks of cremation ashes. The relentless violence, though visually striking, often overshadows the emotional depth of the story.
Samit Kakkad's compelling direction and Hrishikesh Koli's intense writing have successfully brought an action-packed drama to the Marathi screen after a long time. However, the balance between action and emotion seems to falter. Some characters, like Bala played by Santosh Juvekar and Sada Rane portrayed by Sanjay Narvekar, leave a lasting impression with their powerful dialogues and commanding body language. Sharad Kelkar as Vishnu Angre, the central character, delivers a magnetic performance but tends to overindulge in dramatic dialogue delivery.
The movie starts on a strong note, with every character's connection to their family and the motive for revenge being skillfully unveiled. The audience remains engaged until the intermission. The action sequences choreographed by Ejaz Gulab deserve special mention for their impact. Additionally, Sethu Sriram's cinematography, Amar Mohile's background score, and Prashant Rane's art direction add substantial weight to the film.
While the technical aspects are commendable, the story could have been more impactful if some characters were developed with greater depth. Performances by Chhaya Kadam, Akshaya Gurav, and Sushant Shelar are notable but lack sufficient screen time due to the limitations of the screenplay.
Despite its shortcomings, *Raanti* offers a visually rich cinematic experience. Fans of intense revenge sagas and gritty violence will find it particularly appealing. The film seems to draw inspiration from the success of similar blood-soaked stories in South Indian cinema, making one wonder if it aims to cater to a similar audience among Marathi viewers.
Samit Kakkad's compelling direction and Hrishikesh Koli's intense writing have successfully brought an action-packed drama to the Marathi screen after a long time. However, the balance between action and emotion seems to falter. Some characters, like Bala played by Santosh Juvekar and Sada Rane portrayed by Sanjay Narvekar, leave a lasting impression with their powerful dialogues and commanding body language. Sharad Kelkar as Vishnu Angre, the central character, delivers a magnetic performance but tends to overindulge in dramatic dialogue delivery.
The movie starts on a strong note, with every character's connection to their family and the motive for revenge being skillfully unveiled. The audience remains engaged until the intermission. The action sequences choreographed by Ejaz Gulab deserve special mention for their impact. Additionally, Sethu Sriram's cinematography, Amar Mohile's background score, and Prashant Rane's art direction add substantial weight to the film.
While the technical aspects are commendable, the story could have been more impactful if some characters were developed with greater depth. Performances by Chhaya Kadam, Akshaya Gurav, and Sushant Shelar are notable but lack sufficient screen time due to the limitations of the screenplay.
Despite its shortcomings, *Raanti* offers a visually rich cinematic experience. Fans of intense revenge sagas and gritty violence will find it particularly appealing. The film seems to draw inspiration from the success of similar blood-soaked stories in South Indian cinema, making one wonder if it aims to cater to a similar audience among Marathi viewers.