This movie is much better than the bad reviews would lead you to believe. OK, so it's a cheaper knockoff of The Quiet Place. But that doesn't take away from the enjoyment. It's a fun movie if you like the sci-fi monster genre. The script and the acting are above average for this type of movie. It's also nice to see the Colorado mountains scenery. Just like in The Quiet Place, you have to accept one dumb premise in order to be able to enjoy the movie: For some unexplained reason, the monsters can't go above 8000 feet. This movie doesn't have as many holes in the plot as The Quiet Place series. And ending is much better. You actually find out where the monsters came from. It's also easy to figure out why they are killing everyone.
(II) (2024)
A cheaper knock off of The Quiet Place but still a good popcorn movie
22 November 2024