I've not actually seen this yet - I spotted it in my local video store and instantly thought "Well, that's a movie to avoid!" Why? Because in the UK, the distributors felt the need to steal the logo from the wonderful "Shaun Of The Dead"... With a slight change to the zombie hand inside the "A" in "Dead". Good going, guys... You turned it from what might have been a good little zombie flick into what looks like a cheap cash-in on Pegg and Wright's work. When will these people realise that making someone's film look like someone else's film ( Especially if that wasn't the original intent ) Is NOT the way to gain credibility for a movie! Terminator... Exterminator. Alien... Alienator...
Any number of "Lookalike" posters...
LEAVE IT! LEt the films stand alone, and they'll probably do BETTER. Idiots...
Any number of "Lookalike" posters...
LEAVE IT! LEt the films stand alone, and they'll probably do BETTER. Idiots...