I hadn't even heard of the Preacher comic books (or graphic novels if you wanna be that person) but I also never heard of the Walking Dead before the show and now that turned into a phenomenon. This didn't quite become a major hit but AMC managed to pick another gem out of a pile of more obscure source material and execute it while looking polished but not selling out to appease a wider audience. I guess you're able to have a little more leeway when you're backed by the likes of Seth Rogan (one of the shows producers and he's been hitting some homers too with his comic book choices)
The story revolves around a former crook turned preacher who through a series of unfortunate events came across a rather dangerous power that was "misplaced" by heaven and now has an assortment of kooky characters trying to get it back while he stubbornly refuses to return it unless he speaks to God himself who is apparently missing. This is a really great unique concept. It reminds me of Constantine not only in it's way of playing with the christianity mythos but in its antihero main character. Actually all the characters in this show are quite flawed and can in no way be called a hero in a conventional way; another reason I really like this show. The characters are unique and memorable and very well-cast. Some characters that really stand out though are of course the vampire and the bald German man. Very great. The writing is also quite good of course. Lots of wit, nothing extremely deep but it's fun for fun's sake with some really nice twists and blood-splattering bangs (trust me there's no lack of gory violence and outlandish lude humor). It doesn't really try to woo you with any of its sets or effects though it looks pretty but don't go expecting any epic thunderbolts or larger than life hellscapes. It focuses more on the story than on it's visuals. The characters end up tripping up on their own flaws almost too much. I would've been a little excessive if it kept on going the way that they did. 'Glad they reached a pretty gratifying conclusion and not left it with an ambitious "to be continued" though I gotta say they really seemed to stuff that last season with as much lewdness (is that a word?) as they could get away with. They knew it was going to be the end so they almost made another "This is the End". All in all a fun twisted dark fantasy without Kanye West. 7.72/10.