Not perfect, not even particularly original, but superior to an awful lot of other sci-fi movies I've watched lately that undoubtedly had a much higher budget, but not half the soul and sincerity of this one.
I only put it on to test my system after a modification, 30 minutes later I realised I was watching the whole thing.
Some critics may call it slow, I say it gave the characters time to breath and develop, at no point was I ever bored, nor did I ever roll my eyes at some dumb act that didn't make sense, and not one over designed CGI pixel monster annoyed me by moving way too much, way too fast.
That last fact alone made me happy to watch it to the end.
I only put it on to test my system after a modification, 30 minutes later I realised I was watching the whole thing.
Some critics may call it slow, I say it gave the characters time to breath and develop, at no point was I ever bored, nor did I ever roll my eyes at some dumb act that didn't make sense, and not one over designed CGI pixel monster annoyed me by moving way too much, way too fast.
That last fact alone made me happy to watch it to the end.