Deep in the heart of the Amazon anthropologists discover the remains of a man believed to be 300 years old. This SyFy channel original continues on a second expedition led by Dr. Susan Elters (Jayne Heitmeyer) and guide, Matt Ford (Stephen Baldwin) , as scientists continue through the Amazon jungle. Discovered is an unknown fierce tribe called the Snake People that guards the proverbial fountain of youth. And guarding this secreted location is a giant, multi-headed snake that is devoutly worshiped.
The group of scientists are told they can continue to the fountain of youth only if they return the body of the 300 year old man. When the tribe of Snake People are killed off comes the battle royal with the multi-headed snake.
The group of scientists are told they can continue to the fountain of youth only if they return the body of the 300 year old man. When the tribe of Snake People are killed off comes the battle royal with the multi-headed snake.