The True Beauty animated series is seriously a fun and relatable watch! Jugyeong's journey of trying to balance her natural self and the version of her she shows to the world with makeup really hits home for anyone who's struggled with self-esteem. The way she interacts with Suho and Seojun just adds to the drama, and you can't help but get invested in the love triangle. You're rooting for all of them at different points!
Visually, the animation totally does justice to the webtoon. It's colorful, expressive, and really brings out the characters' emotions in all the right ways. It's also super fun to watch the awkward, sweet moments between Jugyeong and the guys, with plenty of laugh-out-loud scenes.
While it doesn't break new ground, True Beauty has the right mix of lighthearted humor and deeper themes of self-confidence and personal growth. Honestly, if you're into rom-coms with a bit of drama, this is the perfect series to binge. You'll find yourself totally invested in Jugyeong's journey and loving every minute!
Visually, the animation totally does justice to the webtoon. It's colorful, expressive, and really brings out the characters' emotions in all the right ways. It's also super fun to watch the awkward, sweet moments between Jugyeong and the guys, with plenty of laugh-out-loud scenes.
While it doesn't break new ground, True Beauty has the right mix of lighthearted humor and deeper themes of self-confidence and personal growth. Honestly, if you're into rom-coms with a bit of drama, this is the perfect series to binge. You'll find yourself totally invested in Jugyeong's journey and loving every minute!