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The Long Game (I) (2023)
16 September 2024
A real-life sports drama from last year reuniting the stars of 2002's the Rookie, Dennis Quaid & Jay Hernandez, in this tale of a group of Mexican American kids who have a penchant for the game of golf but being the segregated 1950's the hill they must climb to compete is a high one. Hernandez who served w/Quaid in the military & who both belong to the same country club formulate a plan to get their team on the boards as it were even though both their competitors & judges work against having them succeed. Seeing enough of these films kind of numbs one to the real-life drama being imparted (this one reminded me a lot of McFarland USA w/Kevin Costner) but the vibrancy of seeing a lot of Spanish faces on screen (w/the camerawork relying on a lot of Steadicam shots for dialogue sequences) & the virtue of the yarn, made this one an easy watch but I still hate golf. Also starring Cheech Marin, I mean why not, as a sage old groundskeeper & Brett Cullen, I remember him playing a crooked politician in The Dark Knight Rises, playing the country club head.
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