"Unstoppable" is an underwhelming action/drama with Snipes as a retired Special Forces badass who is unwittingly injected with a powerful hallucinogen which will result in his death unless he and his detective girlfriend (Obradors) can get their hands on the antidote before the end of the flick. A very ordinary B-flick with a messy plot, this film spends its time with Snipes hallucinating when it's convenient and not when it's not while the rest of the cast (CIA, cops, bad guys) goes through the motions with the kind of enthusiasm you expect from a crew who just wants to get paid and go home. Messy, rote, uninspired, and a big step down for Snipes who hasn't exactly been at the top of the A-list these day, "Unstoppable" is not recommendable even for action junkies. Don't waste your time. (C)