Initially a joint venture between UK and Canadian TV companies, Spatz was an inspired sitcom for young teenagers that worked for adults too. It blended the great British tradition of farcical comedy with the sophisticated, quick-fire dialogue of the best American sitcoms - and it ran circles around most kids' dramas! TJ Strickland was the all-American (well, Canadian) nice-guy who managed the UK's only branch of fast-food chain, Spatz. Handsome and easy-going, his life was made a lot more difficult by another Canadian, Karen Hansson, Spatz's European Co-coordinator, who shared his office. A cross between Jerry Hall and Cruella De Ville, the only language Karen spoke was money. The show's best moments came from her verbal sparring with TJ; their banter was infused with the same sexual tension that kept everyone hooked on 'Moonlighting'. There were some great comebacks and one-liners too. Downstairs on the shop floor was where the Brits ruled the roost: brazenly ambitious Dexter, wannabe-wide-boy Vince, sensible-but-dull Debbie, and clueless Stanley. In the first series the burgers were also flipped by Lily (working to pay for university) and token northerner, Jo, who was often Vince's partner-in-crime. The second series saw the introduction of Freddy, a mad Celtic fan who seemed to come from the Private Frazer (Dad's Army) school of superstitious Scots. As the series progressed the stories became more and more ludicrous and far-fetched, but that was part of the fun. It's a scandal that they didn't commission a fourth series!