I get tired of people over-analyzing movies. Just go and enjoy it for what it is...a movie. Quit trying to compare it to actual history...it doesn't present itself as history recreated like Galdiator, Titianic or King Arthur. And quit whining because it doesn't compare...they didn't say it was supposed to be REAL history. Overall, it is a fun time at a time when most of the movies in the theaters were not even within consideration for us to attend. It gave us a lot of action with decent special effects. And the characters were enjoyable and realistic, although they were underdeveloped, which seems to be the norm in Hollywood these days. They just drop someone in a say he used to...once did or met...has special knowledge...but never back any of it up with a little character development. Still, I would like to meet the good guys in this show. The seemed real and likable. Finally, I got some decent laughs as well with the liberal amount of hum-our that was sprinkle throughout the movie.