Sheer length of this one (6 hrs) makes it somewhat awkward for 'common' movie audience. This epic saga tells of Nazi campaign to capture Moscow, and heroic defenders trying to protect Mother Russia. Movie presents historical, military data about strategic moves, plans, then there are political events, sequences from general HQ's (rather naive acting here), and finally classic war-movie short stories about actual heroes of the Battle.
So basically, you get to see what happened, where, why and how it happened. Since its old movie, there is a lot of naive moments, especially when Russian actor is barking commands in German, which is in turn dubbed by bad acting of Russian narrator, translating what did the German say. I mean, they could've used either Russian language for German officers, or simply put subtitles...
Great movie!
So basically, you get to see what happened, where, why and how it happened. Since its old movie, there is a lot of naive moments, especially when Russian actor is barking commands in German, which is in turn dubbed by bad acting of Russian narrator, translating what did the German say. I mean, they could've used either Russian language for German officers, or simply put subtitles...
Great movie!