Just a disclaimer- I'm a friend of William Collins.(or was until he reads this)
I've seen the film after it came back from its first international viewing at The Venice Biennial. Personally, i think it has good visual look and has some great moments in it. Unfortunately, the story is a bit long and takes a while to get to the good moments, which mostly revolve around the Trini character. The script could have done with a few more revisions before production began. On the whole I think its a good first time directing effort and am impressed by the scale of the production that William has been able to put together. I look forward to his next project Nagasaki Billy.
I've seen the film after it came back from its first international viewing at The Venice Biennial. Personally, i think it has good visual look and has some great moments in it. Unfortunately, the story is a bit long and takes a while to get to the good moments, which mostly revolve around the Trini character. The script could have done with a few more revisions before production began. On the whole I think its a good first time directing effort and am impressed by the scale of the production that William has been able to put together. I look forward to his next project Nagasaki Billy.