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Almost less fun than watching the over-rated movies
31 March 2003
STAR RATING:*****Unmissable****Very Good***Okay**You Could Go Out For A Meal Instead*Avoid At All Costs

It's a shame to have to write a lousy review for my first ever reviewed video game on this site,but here it is.It opens with an unnecessary and dead boring prologue about how the rings were forged and how Lord Sauron poured all his venom and hatred into the ring he got handed,which you can't skip past no matter how many bloody times you hit the START button.When it eventually gets into gameplay mode,it's in the middle of a heated battle.With loads of people fighting.Boy,that makes it really easy to tell who it is you're supposed to be playing ,doesn't it?When you eventually find your game play character,battle is certainly very frenetic,and this was almost certainly the game makers intention.Well,fantastic guys,but,er,slight problem.It really starts to wear your thumbs out after a while.Long before the level's finished,in fact.And the same can be said for the next level,where you are required to relentlessly attack figures in long dark coats (or 'foul beings',as,er,Aragon calls them) ,with the intention of supposedly pushing them backward into a mini campfire thingie.I was unable to get past this level,because my thumbs just kunner' take no more.But it just remains to be said that,despite quite impressive graphics,unlike Blade 2,in this instance the translation to game has helped a disliked film become no less disliked,and,in this case,made me no less a 'ringophile' than I was before.**
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