What the heck is with the DVD market these days? It seems as if anybody can shoot a movie on video and get it released. This film(er, taped film) is another in the long list of titles flooding the market with zero quality. The kid from American Pie must be having career problems. Otherwise he would be appearing in real films instead of directing and producing his own home made production ala "L.A. D.J." Even worse, this kid must really have an ego, otherwise he would know better than to put his name on this piece of garbage. I mean, really. This thing is really a stinker bomb. It is not funny. It is ridiculous. Gee, how many times can the word "dude" or "bro" be used in 90 minutes? And is farting in somebody's face repeatedly funny? I'll admit, "Dude, where's my car" was funny. But at least that film combined the bathroom humor with at least some intelligence. No wonder this went straight to DVD. It should have stayed off the market. Period.