"Jewel" is a typical TV movie about a subject that will make a lot of housewives cry their eyes out. It's about a large, very Christian and happy family in the 1940's that will soon be "blessed" with a 5th child. But of course there are some complications. The child appears to have the Syndrome of Down, and will ask all her mother's attention. Mom does everything for her daughter but forgets that there are other people around her as well...
All in all it isn't the worst movie I've ever seen, but it never stands out above the average. This isn't much more but typical TV pulp. The acting is quite good (for this kind of movies), but the actors aren't able to give an extra touch to the uninspired script.
I'm sure this movie will be loved by many, especially by women in their 40's, 50's or older, but personally I find this movie nothing special and not worth a second watch. It's message like "you can run but you can never hide from your problems" and "you have to take your life the way God has intended it to be" is much too conservative to my taste, but I'm sure the average American will love it. The only problem: I'm not average and certainly not American... I give it a 5/10.
All in all it isn't the worst movie I've ever seen, but it never stands out above the average. This isn't much more but typical TV pulp. The acting is quite good (for this kind of movies), but the actors aren't able to give an extra touch to the uninspired script.
I'm sure this movie will be loved by many, especially by women in their 40's, 50's or older, but personally I find this movie nothing special and not worth a second watch. It's message like "you can run but you can never hide from your problems" and "you have to take your life the way God has intended it to be" is much too conservative to my taste, but I'm sure the average American will love it. The only problem: I'm not average and certainly not American... I give it a 5/10.