Off the Hook tells the true story of two aspiring rappers who have formed a duo called PosNeg. One of the men, Walter Valesquez, is the Positive side. His rap lyrics have uplifting themes and he has focus and determination in his everyday life to keep things peaceful, stay out of trouble, and succeed.
The other rapper, Lorenzo Lewis, is the negative side, not only in lyrical content but in his lifestyle. He is always having to prove how hard he and can't stay away from legal troubles involving drugs and such.
The look and sound of the film make it obvious that this was done on a very low budget, and considering that, the acting is top-notch. There are many brilliant performances here by complete unknowns. I found myself very sucked in to the world of PosNeg. It's a shame that so few people have seen this film.
The other rapper, Lorenzo Lewis, is the negative side, not only in lyrical content but in his lifestyle. He is always having to prove how hard he and can't stay away from legal troubles involving drugs and such.
The look and sound of the film make it obvious that this was done on a very low budget, and considering that, the acting is top-notch. There are many brilliant performances here by complete unknowns. I found myself very sucked in to the world of PosNeg. It's a shame that so few people have seen this film.