Sooraj the young whiz-kid came with a big bang with Maine Pyaar Kiya followed by biggest blockbuster Hum Aapke Hain Koun. Subsequently keeping the tradition of Rajshree Film came up with multi-starrer Hum Saath-Saath Hain. When the latter didn't fare well at the box-office, Sooraj decided to catch up with times and make a contemporary movie of today, doing away with strong values the Rajshris used to uphold upon. In the process a major overhaul was done - for instance Anu Mallik steps into the shoes of Raam-Laxman and foreign locales chosen to film major portions of the movie in the garb of some Indian village.
The story itself is a re-hash of Rajshri's Chit-Chor with the latest ingredients and new masala's added.
How-ever the movie sticks to Sooraj's movie length of over 3 hours and makes you wince in pain. The story is so very predictable from the word go.
Valentine sequence was a big drag. Comedy sequences didn't evoke enough mirth. The animated bird was almost anything but stupid.
Kareena was doing extension of Poo's character. Hritik tried to give his best to live to the character of energetic blabbering guy. Abhishek gave a restrained performance which was good in comparison to others. A few songs were okay.
Sooraj needs to re-think as to where he has faltered big time. Avoid at all costs even if you are a big fan of Rajshri movies, Hritik, Kareena or Abhishek.
The story itself is a re-hash of Rajshri's Chit-Chor with the latest ingredients and new masala's added.
How-ever the movie sticks to Sooraj's movie length of over 3 hours and makes you wince in pain. The story is so very predictable from the word go.
Valentine sequence was a big drag. Comedy sequences didn't evoke enough mirth. The animated bird was almost anything but stupid.
Kareena was doing extension of Poo's character. Hritik tried to give his best to live to the character of energetic blabbering guy. Abhishek gave a restrained performance which was good in comparison to others. A few songs were okay.
Sooraj needs to re-think as to where he has faltered big time. Avoid at all costs even if you are a big fan of Rajshri movies, Hritik, Kareena or Abhishek.