Having been a fan of the first Friday, my expectations for the second one weren't exactly high [no pun intended], given the fact that Chris Tucker wasn't in it. But it turned out to be an okay movie. I also noticed the direction it took the franchise to -- low brow humor. The first had a little bit of it, but the second one seemed like it just wanted to gross you out with its sick humor and poop jokes.
You won't find much difference in this Friday. Turning the series on its ear and giving it a fresh new spin with the Christmas theme seemed like an intriguing idea. Did it work? Hells yeah. With the uncontrollable Mike Epps once again playing the crazy sidekick to Cube's Craig, Chris Tucker seems like a distant memory. Out goes the semi-seriousness of the first one about the reality of the hood, and in comes the all out craziness that solidified the second. The only memorable characters in this one are Money Mike and Damon. If you're a fan of the series, by all means, rent it.
By the end of the movie, you'll ponder if this was the best way to close out the trilogy. Was it as funny as they could make it? Memorable? With a stronger script and more reigned-in performances, it could have been. Average at best. But let's hope Cube ends it here.
You won't find much difference in this Friday. Turning the series on its ear and giving it a fresh new spin with the Christmas theme seemed like an intriguing idea. Did it work? Hells yeah. With the uncontrollable Mike Epps once again playing the crazy sidekick to Cube's Craig, Chris Tucker seems like a distant memory. Out goes the semi-seriousness of the first one about the reality of the hood, and in comes the all out craziness that solidified the second. The only memorable characters in this one are Money Mike and Damon. If you're a fan of the series, by all means, rent it.
By the end of the movie, you'll ponder if this was the best way to close out the trilogy. Was it as funny as they could make it? Memorable? With a stronger script and more reigned-in performances, it could have been. Average at best. But let's hope Cube ends it here.