"Dead or alive 3" is arguably the finest fighting-game available for the current console-generation(X-Box, Playstation 2 and Gamecube). This is a game that in my view is superior to competitors such as "Tekken 4", "Virtua Fighter 4" and even the mighty "Soul Calibur 2". Therefore, since I do not own an X-Box, I think it is a shame that it is only an X-box exclusive. The graphics here are the finest ever in a fighting-game, although pulling off moves using the x-box-controller can prove to be quite difficult for us who are used to playing on Playstation 2 or Gamecube. The gameplay is fluent, very realistic(mostly) and very intuitive.
If you want to criticize this game, it could be argued that it is in fact little more than a cosmetic improvement over "Dead or alive 2". Wonderful!
If you want to criticize this game, it could be argued that it is in fact little more than a cosmetic improvement over "Dead or alive 2". Wonderful!