Three years of obviously hard (but undoubtedly fun!) work went into The Cockettes--and the results are as charming and uplifting as they come. While certainly a dream project given the raw material, the directors went far beyond merely letting the vintage footage speak for itself. I defy anyone to walk out of the theater not feeling a strong sense of joie de vivre (along with a keen desire for some windowpane, perhaps?). An uplifting (for the most part), frequently hilarious reminiscence that doesn't camp out in nostalgia-ville, this is a must-see for anyone who's been a drag queen or hippie, been raised by drag queens or hippies, or just plain adores drag queens and hippies--and creative, exuberant '60s-style, acid-tripped-out theater. Watching a skit like "Tricia's Wedding," an ever-so-fabulous version of that staid Nixon family affair, it's a great reminder that even in an age of Republican despoilers, it's possible for a huge reservoir of creative juice to be oozing around under the surface. GO! See! Enjoy! Take yourself out of reality-based reality for 100 whole minutes!