Many movies claim that their story revolves in a "real life" atmosphere.They say their characters are "real";yet in the movie,everything seems to work out in the end."You Are Here*" is a realistic movie.The characters are just everyday people and maybe you know someone like them.Jeff Winner's introduction for the movie summed it up quite nice,he made a movie that people can relate to.When you watch it you might say,"Yeah,I know what that guy is going through.I've been there before." etc,etc..The point of the movie is this;you wake up and dread going to work but you go anyway.You waste away your day working for this company.You know there's something better out there but you are too afraid to go for it.Then one day you just snap.You break the confines of the mundane and just go for it.And in the end,you are alot happier."You Are Here*" is a great movie.One of the best independent films I've seen in awhile.A hell of alot better than "Gummo".Ugh,read my review for that.