I have read a previous comment on this movie, and yes it is a long movie, if it is watched all at once, like on Lifetime Movies. It was originally a two part mini-series. I think people need to remember the horrible death Holly Maddux endured. Ira Einhorn is in the public light where he loves to be, whether it is bad or good. Of course where he is concerned, their is no good. It is so important to remember Holly Maddux a young women who was trying to make a life for herself, never to marry, or have children, taken from this world at the hand of another, and in such a brutal murder. My family and I payed our respect to her grave just yesterday, along with the graves of her father and mother. We have never met the family but had such strong feelings this movie gave us, we felt compelled to find her marker and leave flowers. I hope this movie touches you the way it touched me and my family, and that you will remember HOLLY MADDUX the victim, the person, and remember the family who would not give up until justice was done. The hippie guru has now been sent home to face his crime and punishment from France. He does however get to have a new trial...Go figure...That ought to make for interesting watch as well. How can you plead innocent for something you ran from for 23 years. He's toast.